What We Offer

CMSS is a community-based service which strives to provide activities that suit all clients that attend our organisation.
Pre lockdown CMSS Clients had their own individual timetable of activities which were created after careful consultation with the client and their carers.

CMSS aims to enable clients to spend time in the local community. Community activities cover both ends of the spectrum as they include :

Attending colleges



Day trips


Conductive Education

Attending various cultural events and holidays to destinations in the UK

Time with CMSS provides clients with opportunities to develop social, life and work skills, as wells as the opportunity to do things that have a purpose and are meaningful to them. This also entails taking part in activities that are uniquely right for them, with support that meets their individual requirements.

Community based activities are not the only types of sessions we offer. Activities conducted at the centre included :

Basic IT skills

Music therapy

Zumba, relaxation

Independent living skills

Gardening (clients actively look forward to trying out the produce)

Latest News

Earth Day 

Happy Easter From Everyone At CMSS 

St Patricks Day 2022 

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Here's what Les has to say about CMSS

My name is Les. I love working on the reception .I also help water the plants in the garden . I am also the head of the clients committee. Client | Les

 JOIN Les at CMSS. Learn more about our placements HERE

Providing services for adults with Cerebral Palsy and associated disabilities from the Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon and Northwood areas
CMSS is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No: 1402217. Registered Charity No: 277128

Contact Us

CMSS Skills Development Centre
Wiltshire Lane
TEL: 020 8866 3711
© Copyright 2025 CMSS Skills Development Centre